More dream date post coming up later this week, but in the mean time here is a little something to inspire you to get creative, and create your own perfect date.
Winter time is in full swing and so what if the days are gloomy and gray. That doesn’t mean you and your sweet heart should stop coming up with date ideas. After all, the most romantic night of the year is just around the corner. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Some are romantic, some are sporty, and some are just about spending time and doing things together.
1. Get in touch with the artistic side of yourselves with a trip to All
Fired Up, a 'paint your own' pottery studio located in Hillsboro Village. The upside to this place is it supplies everything you need. You just show up and create. Another wonderful benefit to this studio is that they allow you to bring in your own food! So you could pack your own little indoor picnic to enjoy while you create a unique piece of ceramic artwork. The price varies depending on which piece you decided to paint, and there is a firing fee. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with how bright and vibrant the pieces are when you return to pick them up. Also the staff is extremely helpful in explaining and even helping you decided on what to paint.
2.Spend an evening ice skating! You have to agree, it’s fun to hold hands while you laugh and concentrate really hard on not falling down to impress your date. Things to remember when hitting the ice(no pun intended); bring a sweater/jacket, gloves are also a good idea as well, and check the
calendar for public skating hours. An afternoon of
Skating at Centennial Sportsplex is 7.00 dollars per adult. Have fun giggling as you try to keep your balance!
3. Visit a local neighborhood bookstore(no chains bookstores). Spend an evening searching for vintage copies of your favorite classics. You will be surprised what you can learn about one another after spending some time together in a bookstore. Like, what stories got read during each other’s childhood years? What’s the first book your date remembers reading? Who’s your sweetie’s favorite poets and what section did each of you spend the most time in? A couple of suggested bookstores are
Bookman/Bookwoman and
Elder’s Bookstore. I would also recommend topping the date off with a trip to your favorite coffee house. If you don’t have one, look for one together and skip the hustle and bustle of Starbucks. This is one day you skip all the chains and find something new, even if it’s been around for years. That’s half the fun of this date idea!
4.Volunteering together bring smiles and hope to someone else, while spending quality time together. While this probably isn’t ideal for a first date scenario, it would be perfect for a couple looking to share the spirit of love. Make dinner for your elderly neighbor(cook it together) or serve a meal at the
Nashville Rescue Mission. I guarantee it’s a date that will not soon be forgotten by you or the people you took the time to help.
Photo Credit Terasa Lewis |
5. Just because it’s cold, and as a dear friend of mine said, "God has decided to turn middle Tennessee into a snow-globe with all this snow and continuing flurries" don’t let that scare you off from bundling up and enjoying the outdoors. Actually, winter time is a perfect chance to take a nature walk. You are likely to spot wild life that you wouldn't see in the summer and spring months. So pack a thermos of your favorite hot cocoa and head on over to
Warner Park located 7311 Highway 100, Nashville TN, and enjoy a nice little winter wonderland walk hand in hand. Don’t forget your hat, mittens, and camera on this little adventure!
Hope you have be inspired to create your own special date for your sweet heart. I would love to hear your ideas on what you would do on your perfect/dream date?