Friday, November 30, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 30
My heart is so thankful for so very many things in my life. I have been blessed beyond what I ever deserve. I feel so thankful for everyone who loves me my family, my friends, my husband, my kids, and my amazing God. I am truly just thankful to be me. I am thankful to be able walk through this life and my experiences both good and bad. Those are the things that shape me into who I will become. I shall do my very best to be thankful each day in all things!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 29
Tonight I am thankful for a night off from cooking. It's a nice thing when dinner is brought in. No dirty dishes, no crying at the table, and plenty leftover for lunch tomorrow! I am thankful we are able to eat out from time to time, and relax afterwards in a nice cozy home with a little Duck Dynasty to entertain us.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 28
I am so thankful for my beautiful in-laws! I was so blessed when I married into this family. They love me like a daughter that was theirs from the beginning of time. They love me despite my faults. They lend helping hands in our times of need. They are amzing Grandparents to my 3 sons! They have poured so much love,hope, and even adventure into this family. I only hope they know just how much they are loved and appericated in return! I am so thankful for the people that they are, and I love them.
mother in law,
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 27
I am thankful for a tight knit family. I take it for granted way to much how close my families are. Not everyone has a family like mine to be thankful for. A family where the line between in-laws and blood relation are blurry. I love spending the holidays and random weekends with our family. I love huge family dinners and long telephone conversions. My in laws, my cousins, my aunts, and uncles, my parents, and brothers, and lets not forget my husband and children! I am so thankful for them all! We are far from perfect and many times a traveling circus, but they are mine and I am theirs!
Thankfulness Reflections
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Monday, November 26, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 26
I am thankful for Christmas Cards! I love them each and everyone! Every time I get one it makes me smile! I can't wait to open it up and see what it looks like and who it's from! I got my first one today, and it truly is a little bit of Christmas magic to me!
I am also thankful today for little unexpected blessing! Small things, kind things, sweet words, you just never know when you are making someones day a little brighter with such simple things! Someone made my day today with unexpected little package in the mail and it made me smile. It made my day a little sweeter! I was thankful for that act of kindness!
I am also thankful today for little unexpected blessing! Small things, kind things, sweet words, you just never know when you are making someones day a little brighter with such simple things! Someone made my day today with unexpected little package in the mail and it made me smile. It made my day a little sweeter! I was thankful for that act of kindness!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 25
When I was
younger much younger and living at home back on the farm I would run to the
barn loft and just sit there with my dog. It was where I found peace. It’s
where I first talk to God. I had no real relationship with Him; I had never
given myself or my heart over to Him. I merely new He existed. I had knowledge
of Him, but no relationship. Yet there I was my hair was probably wild, my
jeans where stained with grass and mud, and I am sure I was having a bad day.
As bad as they come in the juvenile sense of bad day, but there I was
whispering up prayers to the Heavens. I can’t remember what about only that I
was talking to God. I am thankful for that memory! But I am most thankful for the what happen next....
It would be years later before I would truly find relationship with Jesus. It was one Tuesday night at small Baptist Church in the town I grew up in. I was a teenager at the time 14 to be exact. I was there with friends for a youth revival night; I was there to hang out with friends. I got much more than that. I didn’t even know I was searching for something, but I was. I was searching for protection. I wanted to protect my heart from the world around me. So that night I meet Jesus the ultimate protector from the world. I felt his love for me instantly, and knew from the start my life would be forever different. I am so very thankful for that day! I am thankful for a living God who's love always remains with me. No matter how broken I am He loves me! I am so very thankful for all He has blessed me with! I am really in awe of Him, and His saving grace! Because of Him I really do have so much to be thankful for!!!!! I am thankful I let my friends drag me to hang out at church that night!!!!
It would be years later before I would truly find relationship with Jesus. It was one Tuesday night at small Baptist Church in the town I grew up in. I was a teenager at the time 14 to be exact. I was there with friends for a youth revival night; I was there to hang out with friends. I got much more than that. I didn’t even know I was searching for something, but I was. I was searching for protection. I wanted to protect my heart from the world around me. So that night I meet Jesus the ultimate protector from the world. I felt his love for me instantly, and knew from the start my life would be forever different. I am so very thankful for that day! I am thankful for a living God who's love always remains with me. No matter how broken I am He loves me! I am so very thankful for all He has blessed me with! I am really in awe of Him, and His saving grace! Because of Him I really do have so much to be thankful for!!!!! I am thankful I let my friends drag me to hang out at church that night!!!!
christian life style,
Thankfulness Reflections
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 24
I am thankful for this beautiful view that I get to wake up to for the next two days! I am thankful for no internet, no telephone, no distractions! Just some much needed family time!
Fall Creek Falls,
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Friday, November 23, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 23
I am thankful today for my one and only dear old kid brother! I can't imagine a childhood or adulthood for that matter without him. He should have been the oldest because he has always felt like my protector. I can always count on him whether it's for a laugh or to listen!
I am also thankful for my brothers sweet family. I couldn't have dreamed up a better sister in law, and my sweet niece is so full of joy and love. It's impossible not to be smiling when she is around. They both have brought so much to this family! I heart my brother and his little family!
I am also thankful for my brothers sweet family. I couldn't have dreamed up a better sister in law, and my sweet niece is so full of joy and love. It's impossible not to be smiling when she is around. They both have brought so much to this family! I heart my brother and his little family!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 22
I am simply thankful for family traditions! I am thankful for family gathered around tables swapping stories from years past. I am thank for children circled around Grandad instruments in hand. I am thankful for the Holiday puzzle strode all over the table. I am thankful for the meal prepared with so much time and extra effort. I am thankful for the cousins running wild, and for every ounce of love that makes our family whole! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Grandad and His Band |
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 21
Today I am thankful for my sweet hometown. There is nothing like home sweet home! Everything is just a little sweeter in the place where you grew up. This old town holds so many wonderful memories! Memories of my childhood, my teachers, my families, my first date to the homecoming football game, and my very first job so many memories to many to count really! I am so thankful for all this little country town has given me from lifetime friendships (I love you girls) to little country church where I first met my Savior (I love you Jesus)! I will always be a country girl at heart!!!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 20
I am really just thankful for happy days. Everyone in the house was smiling and happy. It made for such a peaceful day. Even though there was tons of work to be done the day was full of happiness! I am thankful for that. It is a rare day when the boys all get along, and the weather was just icing on the cake! So very thankful for this day! Here's to hoping tomorrow is a repeat!!!!
Thankfulness Reflections
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Monday, November 19, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 19
What I am most thankful for today is bedtimes. After a long day of chores, packing, homework battles I am so grateful bedtime has arrived. I am thankful my children are tucked in bed all snug as a bug in rug, and thankful that it is just about time for sleep to devour me as well! I am most thankful I have a bed to sleep in and house over my head!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 18
I am thankful for the sweet hugs of my children. I hope they never stop wanting to give their old mommy hugs!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 17
Today I am thankful for a weekend getaway! It's really nice to get to sneak in a few days just the hubby and me. It is rare and precious time. I am so thankful for it!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 16
Today I am so thankful that my children have two sets of Grandparents that love them very much. They are always willing to help out in anyway they can, and have a pretty magical way they connect with each of the boys. I feel blessed to just get to witness these relationships between our parents and our children. I believe my kids are building life long memories with all their grandparents, and that's a pretty special thing to be able to have!
"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in
abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort,
lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies". ~Rudolph Giuliani
Thankfulness Reflections
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 15
I am so very thankful for my parents. I am thankful for their unconditional love, endless patience, never ending support. I am thankful that I got the privilege to live in a household with two parents that loved each other. I always felt loved, and taken care of. Now as a parent of three I know raising my brother and I was no easy task. Many sacrifices where made, and a supply of endless love was given. I am so honored to be there daugther, and I am so thankful for all that they are! I am one incredible blessed girl, and maybe a little spoiled also! Love you Mom and Dad!!!
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My amazing Parents! |
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 14
Today I am so thankful for my wonderful Doctor and her sweet nurse. They both have been so very compassionate and understanding during this difficult time. There bedside manners, and knowledge have been both helpful and comforting. I am thankful for them both.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 13
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be
silent. "~Victor Hugo
Music hasn't always been a huge part of my life. Then I met my husband and he introduced me to music. He had this incredible passion for all kinds of music, and this amazing voice to project it with. God has also given him this beautiful talent that brings people to the heart of worship using music. I am thankful that my husband introduced it to me, and that he has passed that love on to my children as well. Now my whole life everyday is filled with melodies and lyrics, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am thank that a songs has the ability to change my mood or uplift my spirit. I am thankful for the songs that get stuck in my head, and the ones that make me sing aloud. I am thankful music has the gift to bring people closer together. I am most thankful that a song has the ability to bring me closer to my Savior with worship. I am truly thankful for art of music and the impact it has on my life, and my families!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Monday, November 12, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 12
I am thankful for all the sparkle in my life not just my TOMS, but for every little thing that adds a little sparkle and glitter to this old girls life! Because every girl deserves a little shimmer!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 11
Today I am thankful for the memories I hold dear of my sweet Uncle Leo! I will always think of him on Veterans Day no matter how many years go by. He was such a pillar in our family, and he is missed so much. However I am so thankful for all the time I was given with him, and honored to get to call him family!!!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 10
Today I am thankful for a morning of a little extra sleep. I love Saturday mornings!!!
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Friday, November 9, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 9
Thankfulness Reflections Day 9
Today's reflection of thanksgiving is simply that I am thankful for the sunshine that today's weather provide us with. I am not fan of the long, gloomy days of winter. However I sure do treasure those days that the sunshine sneaks up and gives us a warm enough day to enjoy the outdoors.
You Are My Sunshine lyrics
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take
My sunshine
Away -Ricky Nelson
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take
My sunshine
Away -Ricky Nelson
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 8
Thankfulness Reflections Day 8
Today I am thankful for all the great and amazing teachers out there, and exspeicaly those in the lives of my own children. I am so grateful for their paretnership in teaching my children. I am thankful for these great educators pouring so much of their time both on the clock and their own personal time. These amazing people gift our children knowledge and mold their little charatcers leaving lasting imprints. It takes a special person to do the jobs of a teacher. It's not a job for just anyone. I just want them all to know that I am thankful, and all your hard work does not go unnoticed! You are truly special people, and your jobs have the ability to change the world one little mind at a time.
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 7
Thankfulness Reflections Day 7
Today I am thankful for my little man. He is not so little anymore, but he is still Mommy's boy. My curly headed energetic Cooper. He loves the outdoors, being barefoot, and superheroes, and has a special place in his heart for the sidekicks. Maybe that comes with being the youngest brother. I love his little smile, and his sweet little arms wrapping around me for hugs. I love the way he laughs out loud, and makes up jokes that make no sense. He is the peacemaker, the hugger, the one liner, and lets not forget the little brute of the family. My heart is so full of love for this sweet little boy who brings me so much joy. I am so thankful that I get to spend my days with him. I will sure miss him next year when off to school he will go.
My Sweet Cooper! (Photo By: Becka Edmonson) |
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 6
Thankfulness Reflections Day 6
My heart is thankful for my middle son Wesley. I love his tender spirit, his great big smile, and his all telling facial expressions. He is brave, forgiving, creative, fun, and he never stops. He lives his life at full speed, and I do my best to keep up. He is always in character, and always starts his day early. He loves with his whole heart, and is always sensitive to the needs of others around him. God has big things planned for this little boy, and I am so very thankful that he is my son! He fills my life with joy, laughter, love, and teaches me the meaning of patience!
"My Sweet Wes" Photo By Becka Edmonson |
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Monday, November 5, 2012
Loss and My Heart's Journey Forward
REMEMBER ME "No feet are so small that they can not leave an imprint on this world." Photo By Becka Edmonson |
To say the days have been trying lately would be a slight understatement. I have cried most days, some days more than others, but every day since October 17th has held tears. I have found myself wishing and praying for just one day to be tearless. That prayer is yet to be answered. The unexpected loss of our unborn child was something my heart was unprepared for. And while I know this time will pass in time, put most simply, I feel broken.
For now I find myself trying to wait patiently while my God puts me back together. It’s like rebuilding a foundation of who God wants you to become in the new season after the grieving season passes, because I will never be the same person as before. A miscarriage is not something that is just forgotten. I believe I will always carry a sense of sadness with me. The emptiness will be filled with time and only a hole will be left behind in my heart for the child that I never got to hold, kiss or give a name. A child that the world will soon forget even existed. The child that made my world stand still in a flood of tears as the rest of the world raced around past me. For those reasons and many more I know I am to be a different, maybe even more compassionate, person on the other side of this mourning process.
I know that days will get easier. The pain of heartbreak, like I have never experienced before, will become more forbearing and life really will move forward. Time will allow for happiness to return, prayers will be answered and hearts to be restored.
A high school teacher of mine once shared a story with me one day during a difficult time. The story was about a King troubled with worries and trials. So the King called on his counsel to create a motto…”This too Shall Pass Away”. I have always loved that story and always remember the day Mr. Moles shared it with me, but it has never brought me more strength, and peace than in these days of a great loss. I have thought of it often and been so grateful that my sweet teacher took the time to share it with me that day so many years ago. It really just goes to show that life is bigger than we realize. Who knew a story shared with me 14 or so years ago would bring me such comfort in my adult life.
Life is hard, and life is filled with defining moments, however God’s plan for us is big picture. He alters us into more of the people he wants us to become if we allow him access. We don’t always understand His plan or see the big picture and that’s okay. It’s not always easy. It’s even painful at times, but He does love us and He weeps with us in our moments of sadness(Psalms 116). He also gives strength and peace in those moments of life's terrible trials that we never thought we had access to. He does not forsake us and he does not leave us alone(Hebrews 13:5).
Below is an adaption of the story and poem that my highschool teacher shared with me.
This Too, Shall Pass Away*
In times of trial an old Indian legend has given me much comfort. A king, who suffered many hours of discouragement, urged his courtiers to devise a motto, short enough to be engraved on a ring, which should be suitable alike in prosperity and adversity. After many suggestions had been rejected his daughter offered an emerald bearing the inscription in Arabic, “This, too, will pass.” –Said the poet.
Whate’er thou art, where’er thy footsteps stray,
Heed these wise words: This, too, shall pass away.
Oh, jewel sentence from the mine of truth!
What riches it contains for age or youth.
No stately epic measured and sublime,
So comforts, or so counsels, for all time
As these few words. Go write them on your heart
And make them of your daily life a part
Art thou in misery, brother? Then I pray
Be comforted! Thy grief shall pass away.
Art thou elated? Ah, be not too gay;
Temper thy joy; this, too, shall pass away.
Fame, glory, place, and power,
They are but little baubles of the hour.
Thus, be not o’er proud,
Nor yet cast down; judge thou aright;
When skies are clear, expect cloud;
In darkness, wait the coming light
Whatever be thy fate today,
Remember, even this, shall pass away!
- Adapted by: Mr. Alexander
Heed these wise words: This, too, shall pass away.
Oh, jewel sentence from the mine of truth!
What riches it contains for age or youth.
No stately epic measured and sublime,
So comforts, or so counsels, for all time
As these few words. Go write them on your heart
And make them of your daily life a part
Art thou in misery, brother? Then I pray
Be comforted! Thy grief shall pass away.
Art thou elated? Ah, be not too gay;
Temper thy joy; this, too, shall pass away.
Fame, glory, place, and power,
They are but little baubles of the hour.
Thus, be not o’er proud,
Nor yet cast down; judge thou aright;
When skies are clear, expect cloud;
In darkness, wait the coming light
Whatever be thy fate today,
Remember, even this, shall pass away!
- Adapted by: Mr. Alexander
christian life style,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Thankfulness Reflections Day 5
Thankfulness Reflections Day 5
Today I am thankful for my oldest son. He gave me the gift of motherhood, and he is a beam of joy in my life everyday. I love his gentle spirit, his passion for music, and his mischievous little grin. He tries so hard to be a grown up already, all while I am trying so hard to hold on to his childhood for a bit longer. I am amazed by his talent, blessed by his presence, and honored to be his Mom.
My Sweet Carter Baby Photo By: Becka Edmonson) |
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Sunday, November 4, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 4
Thankfulness Reflections Day 4
My Sunday's thankfulness reflection is how thankful I am for my church family at NewSong Woodbine. My church family surrounds me with love, worship filled hearts, helping hands, and living proof that the Holy Spirit lives in our lives. I am so thankful for the hearts of my beautiful church family, and I love each of them dearly. I am truly honored to be part of community who is chasing after God's plans, and not the plans of man.
christian life style,
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 3
Thankfulness Reflections Day 3
On this beautiful Autumn day when my heart is still aching with a sadness from our loss I find myself thankful for the prayers of others. Prayers of answered strength, prayers that cover us in peace. I am thankful for those those gentle prayers that are lifted to the Heavens in our behalf. Those beautiful answered prayers that make the days bearable, and the tears a little less. I am thankful for the people with hearts so kind enough to speak them. I am thankful for a God who weeps with me in my sadness, who loves me in brokenness, and who grants me mercy by answering prayers of comfort, peace, and strength.
I seek in prayerful words, dear friend,
My heart's true wish to send you,
That you may know that, far or near,
My loving thoughts attend you.
I cannot find a truer word,
Nor better to address you;
Nor song, nor poem have I heard
Is sweeter than God bless you!
God bless you! So I've wished you all
Of brightness life, possesses;
For can there any joy at all
Be your unless God blesses?
God bless you! So I breathe a charm
Lest grief's dark night oppress you,
For how can sorrow bring you harm
If ' tis God's way to bless you?
And so, "through all thy days
May Shadows touch thee never-"
But this alone- God bless thee-
Then art thou safe forever.
- Author unknown (From Book: Poems That Touch The Heart by: A.L Alexander)
christian life style,
God Bless,
Thank You,
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Friday, November 2, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 2
Thankfulness Reflections Day 2
Today I am grateful for my childhood. I have only happy memories there. I think my happy childhood says something about my wonderful parents. I am grateful for the childhood I was given, and I believe they played the biggest part in that. I am thankful for all the childhood friendships that where made both the ones that have endured a lifetime and those that time let slip away. I am truly thankful for all the happy memories my childhood has given to me.
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Me and My Best Childhood Buddy Beau All Those Years Ago |
Thankfulness Reflections,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thankfulness Reflections Day 1
November the month of the year that has us all reflecting on what we are most thankful for. Everyone has something to be thankful for even if it's as small as a blooming rose or as big a great love for Christ. Being thankful is so important. Thankfulness leads to a more joyful and love filled life, and joy is one of God's promises. No one can take away the joy God puts into your life and heart unless you let them. Happiness is controlled by the circumstances around us while joy is still alive and present even during our darkest days and toughest storms. So my friends I hope that you are thankful, loved, and joyful everyday. Have wonderful time reflecting and speaking of your thankfulness this month and every month after! Happy Thanksgiving MONTH!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."
"Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. " ~ Theodore Roosevelt, 1901
Thankfulness Reflection Day 1, 2012
Today I am thankful for my husband. This past month as been the toughest of our lives and he has been nothing but strong and loving. He is my rock and calmness. He leads this family well with the authority given to him by Christ. He is a treasured father to our boys. I can't imagine my world without this partner in life. Everyday I truly fall deeper in love with this man, and even in the midst of trails our love grows, and for that and for him I am so forever thankful! He is the reason I know that true love is real, and soul mates absolutely last forever!
Thankfulness for My Sweet Husband (Photograph by Becka Edmonson" |
christian life style,
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

2012 Costume Fun
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Barney Fife the Younger Years |
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Hook and Pan....."Why can't we be friends" |
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Peter Pan |
The Doll, Hook, Barney Fife, and a Grumpy Peter..."He lost his Shadow" |
Barney Fife,
disney costume,
dress up,
out of the closet costumes,
Peter Pan
Posted by
Jaime Leigh

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